Meet our Staff

Rev. Jonathan Hauze - Norwich Congregational Church, Norwich, Vermont

I am Rev. Jonathan Hauze, and I became the new Minister here at the Norwich Congregational Church on November 1, 2021.

A graduate of Swarthmore College and Harvard Divinity School, I was called to Norwich after more than 16 years pastoring a UCC congregation in southeastern Pennsylvania. Some of my passions include the study of biblical literature, the cultivation of interfaith relationships, and the role of the imagination in the spiritual life. My greatest joy in ministry is to help illuminate the wonder and beauty of God’s life with us.

As a child, I once ran down the aisle in church and blew out the altar candles. I still have a heart for kids who can’t keep still, and I don’t believe it’s possible to ask too many questions. I love to sing and cook and play guitar and read and learn people’s stories. I spent my formative years in Peterborough, New Hampshire, and now live in North Pomfret with my wife, Liza, and our kids, Annie, Sam, and Charlie.

Josh Headshot

I am Joshua Brown and I assumed the position of Music Director in August of 2022.

I grew up in Danville, Vermont  and began studying piano at age 7, then organ at age 15. I chose to pursue church music as a career and earned performance degrees from Susquehanna University and Northwestern University. I have spent the last 20 years serving congregations in Wisconsin and New York before relocating to the Upper Valley in 2019.

As a church musician, I cannot separate the power of music to engage body and spirit, stir the soul, and reveal fleeting glimpses of God’s glorious kingdom from the real presence of Christ in my life. I receive the gift of music through Christ and through my stewardship of that gift, and the nurturing of others’ musical gifts, discover the grace and peace that comes from Christ.

In addition to my ministry at Norwich Congregational Church I can be found making music as the choir accompanist at Richmond Middle School, Co-Director of the Upper Valley Ringers, and Director of the Kendal Chorale.   When not engaged in musical activities I enjoy gardening, woodworking, hiking and renovating the house in Hanover where I live with my wife, Elizabeth, and kids, Tobey and Eli.

Patty Cashman - Norwich Congregational Church, Norwich, Vermont

I am Patty Cashman, the Office Manager and Bookkeeper.

I began working here in May 2020.  I am responsible for many aspects of the church, mostly behind-the-scenes, and multi-tasking is a big part of this position. Most of all, I enjoy keeping members and friends connected, which I feel is an important aspect to community. I see my role here to help things flow along smoothly.

I have a MA degree in psychology, and am fascinated with philosophy and theoretic physics. I have 2 grown sons and a cat named Marigold Mittens. My hobbies are writing, reading, and running. I teach comparative religion or psychology/philosophy courses for the Osher Program at Dartmouth each year, and find teaching to be a effortless joy.

I feel at home in Norwich, and I wish to support others in feeling comfortable here as well. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns, or just stop in to say hello. It’s always a good day to make a new acquaintance!

Dan Goulet - Norwich Congregational Church, Norwich, Vermont
My name is Dan Goulet. I have been the Sexton (caretaker) since 2004. The church is a historical building and I enjoy sharing what I know about it. Norwich is steeped in history and I do my best to keep the  buildings aesthetically pleasing.
I am married to Jenn who does church gardening and we live nearby, which means I am able to be on-call to help during any events and people who rent the building. I make sure the entrances are safe and accessible in all kinds of weather. I sometimes give visitors a little tour when I see them looking at the church. I enjoy contributing to the community and church. I look forward to meeting you.