Welcome to Community . . .

We’re glad you are here, no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey. Maybe church has been part of your life as long as you remember and you’re looking for a familiar experience and a new group of people with whom to grow in faith.

Maybe you are entirely new to the whole church thing but you have questions, you want connection, and you’re searching for a place to belong and serve.

Whatever brings you here, we are blessed by your presence among us, whether for an hour or a lifetime.  Bring your questions (we have more of those than answers), bring your curiosity, bring yourself just as you are, and know that you are welcome here.

Come and join us on Sunday at 10am!  Or reach out to me anytime for a conversation, a prayer, or a listening ear.

Jonathan +

Rev. Jonathan Hauze

What’s Happening Here?

(Click on the heading above for a more extensive calendar)

March 5 - Ash Wednesday Worship in the sanctuary at 7:00pm, Ashes-to-Go on the front steps of the church from 8-9am.

March 9 - Worship for the First Sunday in Lent at 10am in the sanctuary.  Second Hour Adult Education, "X Marks the Spot: the Cross in Art and Narrative" at 11:15am in the parlor.

March 12 - Zoom Lenten Learning Series, "Anchored: People Who Sought Goodness in the Face of Evil" at 7pm.  The first installment focuses on the lives and work of Rev. André and Magda Trocmé during the Second World War.  Click here for the Zoom link.

In addition to our in-person worship, all of our services are available to watch live on our site via YouTube. Click here to join us Sundays at 10am.

Are you looking for a church and a community of faith?

Whether you've attended church all your life or are curious and want to learn more, you are welcome here. Click here to learn what to expect.

Do you have children and want them to learn about God and Christ’s love?

We have Sunday School classes, as well as a nursery for the very young so that you can worship with us. Click here to learn more.

Are you questioning faith or uncertain if you would fit in?

We come from a diverse background of faiths and life experiences that have shaped us all in unique and wonderful ways. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you are welcome here!

Our Ministries

Our Ministry Teams offer you a place to connect to others, and engage in service both inside and outside the church. Click the links below to learn more about each.

Many Hands – One Spirit