Funerals and Memorial Services


 Blessed are those who mourn, for thy will be comforted.

-Matthew 5:4


We are blessed to accompany those who grieve as they seek to remember and give thanks for the life of a loved one.  Whether you are a member of our congregation or a neighbor in our wider community, we are here to minister to you by providing a time to gather in the presence of God for remembrance, thanksgiving, and mutual comfort.  Since we see our role in this time as an important part of our ministry, we regard funerals and memorials as services of the church rather than space rentals.  Services are planned with the guidance of the pastor, who presides over the ministry of the word, and the music director, who is responsible for the ministry of music at the Norwich Congregational Church.

As a Christian community and a member of the United Church of Christ, our funerals and memorial services are grounded in the hope of the resurrection and the message of God’s love for all people.  Because we also value inclusion, acceptance, and welcome, we strive to create a worship environment that affirms the prophetic vision that God’s house “shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples” (Isaiah 56:7).  Services may be quite traditional, employing language from the UCC Book of Worship, while others may use alternative language to speak of the sacred Christian story.  The pastor enjoys working with families to create a service that honors both the church’s values and the life of the one who has died.

What to Know

When thinking about a service, we invite families to consider these elements:

Prayer:  usually a prayer of invocation at the beginning and a prayer of thanksgiving toward the end

Hymn(s):  the singing of one or two hymns by those who are gathered

Scripture(s):  the reading of one or two scriptures from the Bible

Sermon/Homily:  a short reflection by the pastor

Remembrances:  a time for family and friends to reflect on the life of the one who has died – we ask that if there are multiple speakers either the number of speakers or the length of each remembrance be limited so that this portion of the service is no more than half an hour.  The total service time should be no more than ~1.5 hours.

Blessing:  at the end of the service, a benediction to send everyone out in peace – the benediction is often preceded by words of committal, as the pastor offers a prayer to commend the deceased person into God’s everlasting care.

Services at NCC are conducted by the pastor and the music director.  If the family would like another clergy to join our pastor in assisting with the service, please speak with the pastor about it.  If the family would like to have additional musicians participate in the service alongside our music director, that may also be arranged.

The fees for funerals and memorial services are detailed below.  Please note that the fees for the pastor and the music director are payable directly to them, rather than to the church.


When planning a reception:

While the church does not have a committee to provide the refreshments for a reception, family and friends or recommended catering services are welcome to use the kitchen and parish hall.  For members of NCC, if volunteers are available to help, we can often assist with a reception by providing drinks such as coffee, tea, lemonade.


Fee Schedule:

NCC Members

Sanctuary and Kitchen - no fee

Pastor - no fee

Organist/pianist - $200 fee (check made out to the music director)



Sanctuary - $200

Parish Hall & Kitchen - $110

Pastor - $200 (check made to the pastor)*

Organist/pianist - $200 (Check made out to the music director)


*In the event of financial need, please speak with the pastor.