Education Ministry

Adult Ed & Bible Study

Seeking to integrate faith and life, adult Christian Education explores a variety of topics — integration of modern biblical interpretation with science, social issues, and modern life, as well as religious history, literature, and visual art, and other religious traditions. Settings include Sunday mornings, in-person and Zoom small groups, and community-wide lectures.

To become involved or for more information about Adult Ed and BIble Study, please contact us at

Nursery & Sunday School

NCC offers nursery care for children up to age 4 in our upstairs nursery.  Children can be dropped off before the service starting at 9:45am and anytime during the service.

Our Sunday School program is offered for children in K-6th grade in our upstairs classroom space. The curriculum is a Montessori based/Godly Play hybrid focusing on visual arts and exploration through traditional Bible stories. Children are dismissed to Sunday School following the Children’s message and are escorted to the classroom by the Sunday School Coordinator. Following the service, parents are asked to meet their children for pick up in the Sunday School classroom to participate in coffee hour.

On the first Sunday of each month, children will return to the sanctuary for communion and will remain in the service for the duration.

NCC is situated adjacent to the Norwich Nursery School playground which is open to children who want to play outside after the service.

The Sunday school program also celebrates Children’s Sunday on the second Sunday in June every year. On this day the children offer the sermon portion of the service and are invited to read, sing, provide music and otherwise showcase their various talents.

To become involved or for more information about our Nursery and Sunday School program, please contact us at