Making Pledges and Donations


Thank you for your kindness and support.  Please choose a style that best suits you:

In Person: There are white envelopes at the back of the church for donations & pledges; yellow envelopes are for the mission offerings. (See weekly church bulletin or email of announcements for that month's mission.) You can place your envelope on the offering plate at the Sunday Worship service. If it is not a Sunday, you can leave the envelope upstairs in the wooden mail boxes outside the offices. There is one marked "OFFICE" and it will be processed on the next working day.

By Check: You can send a check to us at NCC, UCC P.O Box 236 Norwich, VT 05055. Please write on the check memo line whether it is a pledge, gift, mission, etc.

Online:  We use VANCO services, which are safe and encrypted. You can set up weekly, monthly, or one-time donations.

If you have any questions or would like other options for making donations, please direct your questions to Patty at the office: 802-649-1433, or